Prehnite, which as also been called the stone of magic, has a powerful yet gentle energy and is strongly connected to both the heart and sacral chakras. It is a stone of unconditional love, bringing a sense of peace, calm and tranquility to the wearer. It helps us to deeper understand our own unique path by asking us to reflect on our past experiences from a place of love so that we may grow from them.
Herkimer diamonds are double terminated clear quartz with outcrops of dolomite that are known as the high energy seekers of the crystal world. They act as incredible amplifiers, and with double terminated points they not only transmit their own energy, but also receive high vibration spiritual energy. They are an attunement stone, allowing one to adjust to any environment. Their high vibration energy makes it an ideal healing stone.
Accented with electroplated lava bead and 14k gold 3mm beads.